

Innovating tailored, dynamic cognitive rehabilitation programs within an educational framework for children recovering from acquired brain injury (ABI) in order to maximize their outcomes using a multidisciplinary approach. We recognize that there is inseparable overlap in the medical, mental health, and educational needs in this population.


Our vision is for children throughout the Bay Area recovering from acute brain injury to have access to array of multidisciplinary cognitive rehab options integrated with educational programs to maximize outcomes. We aim to create a system where recovery is supported after discharge and not dependent on family means. UCSF is a leader in critical care and the Pediatric Neurorecovery Clinic will expand this expertise to become a leader in brain recovery.


A small group for schools...

6,716 children admitted with TBI or stroke each year 

Over 1-2 years at any given school, there will be 1 student impacted

If you include concussions, 2-3% of students

1 out of 8 Americans live in California!